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Dosamix T20 user manual

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4.1 Fitting 6
4.2 Operation of the Dosamix T20 with 3 way valves 7
4.3 Hints for wall mounting the unit 8
5.1 Switching on the Dosamix T20 CERES II 9
5.2 Adjusting the batch quantity 10
5.3 Setting the batch temperature 10
5.4 Start the batch 10
5.5 Interrupting the batch 11
5.6 Cancelling the batch 11
5.7 Manual dosing 11
5.8 Switching off the Dosamix T20 11
6.1 Entering the configuration menu of the Dosamix T20 12
6.2 Calibration of the quantity 12
6.3 Temperature calibration 13
6.4 Thermostat temperature setting 14
6.5 Wiring instructions 16


  • Prior to connecting the unit, flush the cold and hot water pipes thoroughly. This prevents solder drops or other particles from damaging the unit.
  • For the pipe connections, try to avoid using a hemp sealing, a PTFE sealing tape is more suitable.
  • The maximum temperature of the hot water supply should never exceed 65 ºC. Both valves of hot and cold water should be open at all times, closing the cold water valve may cause damage as a possible result of overheating.
  • Frost will damage the unit!
  • Caution! The thermostatic mixing valve of the DOSAMIX T20 is not designed for connection of hot and chilled water simultaneously. Use either hot and tap water or tap and chilled water. A set of 3 way valves is available for easy connection.


Te veel Baktec text: For the quality of your dough, it is essential to work with a water dosing- and mixing system which is accurate and reliable.

The DOSAMIX T20 model is provided with a special thermostat in order to supply very accurate temperatures, even below 3⁰C. The temperature remains constant, even when repeating the batches. The water metering is very precise and has a deviation less than 1%. This model is very reliable, compact and easy to operate and to maintain. The water temperature is, during dosing, indicated in full degrees. The electronic appliances have totally renewed hard- and software, equipped with the latest innovative techniques and parts. The automatic standby saves up to 80% of energy.

The service-module operated from the control-panel, enables you to eliminate tolerances of temperature and quantity. This way the DOSAMIX can be adapted to the specific conditions in your bakery. By pressing a button, you can add water to your dough after your initial dose. The DOSAMIX T20 is easy to operate; specially designed with big digits for showing temperature and water quantity.


The following option can be added to the DOSAMIX T20 model:

  • Set of ½” 3-way valves



Be careful when opening the box. Do not open the box with a sharp object because this might damage the unit!

Plan the location of the unit in advance. Make sure that there is enough room for installing the water-supplies and that a power-socket is nearby. The Box should contain the following items:

• DOSAMIX T20 water dosing and mixing appliance.
• 2,5 metre plastic outlet hose.
• Installing materials containing shut-off valves and filters.
• QR code with link to this manual.

If any of these items is missing, please contact your local supplier immediately.


The DOSAMIX T20 water mixing and dosing appliance is supplied with connection sets consisting of water filters and shut-off valves. The final installation should be carried out by a local plumber.

A single phase main wall socket should be preferably mounted within 1 meter from the unit depending on local regulations. Disconnecting the power adapter should be made possible for maintenance purposes.

Only connect the power adapter after the machine has been installed completely.

4.1. Fitting

The thermostatic mixing valve of the DOSAMIX T20 especially designed to handle chilled water. The DOSAMIX T20 can be used for mixing either hot and tap water or tap and chilled water.

In case hot, tap and chilled water supplies are available, special 3-way valves can be installed to select between the warm-tap or tap-chilled water-supply. The 3/4″ inlet ports are marked blue, for the cold water inlet and red, for the warm water inlet. Hemp with a liquid sealing should be avoided for connection of these 2 inlets, a PTFE sealing tape is more suitable.

For optimal performance, the distance of hot and chilled water supply to the DOSAMIX T20 should be as short as possible. It is highly recommended to insulate the hot- and especially the chilled water supply.

4.2. Operation of the Dosamix T20 with 3 way valves

  • In horizontal position the valves select tap and chilled water.
  • In vertical position the valves select hot and tap water.

The temperature range will be either between the hot and tap water temperature or the tap and chilled water temperature (provided warm, tap and chilled water supplies are installed correctly).

Caution! The thermostatic mixing valve of the DOSAMIX T20 should not be connected to only hot and chilled water simultaneously this will damage the thermostatic mixing valve and dosing system. In this case 3 way valves should be installed.

Fig.1: Connection of 3 way valves (½”).

4.3. Directions for wall mounting the unit
The DOSAMIX T20 should be mounted to a wall or a frame that is free from vibrations. Mounting straps are provided at the back of the appliance for this purpose. The distance between the holes of the mounting straps is shown in figure 2. The cover does not have to be removed from the unit when mounting it to the wall.

Fig.2: DOSAMIX T20 dimensions


This part of the manual explains how to operate the DOSAMIX T20. In figure 3 the front panel is drawn, and the buttons that are used to operate the DOSAMIX T20 are described.

Fig.3: DOSAMIX T20 front panel

5.1. Switching on the DOSAMIX T20
Check the main power-supply and water-inlets, and push [Standby].

After the power adaptor is plugged into the wall socket and the water supplies have been connected to the inlets, the DOSAMIX T20 is ready for operation. The standby light is on. The DOSAMIX T20 is switched on by pushing the [Standby] button.

The display lights up and the standby light switches off. The DOSAMIX T20 will also return to normal operation when any other button is touched.

5.2. Adjusting the batch quantity
Enter the quantity by pushing the [+100], [+10] [+1] or [+0.1] Litre buttons.

When the DOSAMIX T20 is switched on, the quantity is set with the [+100L], [+10L] [+1L] or [+0.1L] buttons and reset to 000.0 with the [Reset L] button. If one of these buttons is continuously pushed it increments automatically.

Example: When 121.4 litres are required, the [Reset L] button should be pushed once to make sure the display shows 000.0 L. Then the following buttons should be pushed: the [+100L] button once, the [+10L] button twice and the [+1L] button once and the [+0.1 L] button four times (or continuously until the display reads 4).
The display will now read 121.4 L.

5.3. Setting the batch temperature
Adjust the thermostat knob of the thermostatic mixing-valve to the required temperature.

The operation panel of the DOSAMIX T20 shows the temperatures that can be set with the thermostat provided that the temperature that is set, lies between the water inlet temperature of the 2 inlets.

Example: If the tap water has a temperature of 14ºC and the warm water inlet has a temperature of 45ºC the thermostat mixing capacity is limited to a temperature between 14 – 45 ºC.

Note: The thermostat setting is limited to a temperature of 65ºC.

5.4. Start the batch
Push the [Start] button.

After the quantity and the temperature have been set, the DOSAMIX T20 will start the batch after the [Start] button is pushed.

Example: The quantity display reads 41.3 L and the thermostatic mixing valve is set at 25 ºC. After pushing [Start], 41.3 L of mixed warm and tap water will be dosed at 25 ºC.

5.5. Interrupting the batch
Push the [Stop] button.

After the batch has been started and the DOSAMIX T20 is dosing, the batch can be paused by pushing [Stop]. The dosing light will flash until the batch is restarted by pushing [Start]; stopped by pushing [Stop]; or reset to 000.0 by pushing [Reset].

5.6. Cancelling the batch
Push [Stop] or [Reset] once, followed by the [Reset] button.

If a mistake has been made while setting the quantity of the batch, the faulty setting can be erased by pushing [Reset] once. While dosing it is possible to stop the batch by pushing the [Stop] button twice, which cancels the batch, followed by [Reset] to clear the quantity setting.

5.7 Manual dosing
Push the [Reset] button and push [Start], followed by [Stop] when the desired quantity is dosed.

If the dough needs a bit more water after kneading, water can be added at any necessary quantity. Reset the quantity display to 000,0 by pushing [Reset] once then push [Start]. The DOSAMIX T20 will start dosing until the [Stop] button is pushed. The quantity display will show the water quantity that has been dosed.

Note: If [Start] is pushed after manual dosing, the DOSAMIX T20 will dose the quantity shown in the quantity display as if a normal batch had been entered.

5.8. Switching off the DOSAMIX T20
Push the [Standby] button. When finished working with the DOSAMIX T20, it can be switched off by pushing the [Standby] button. The DOSAMIX T20 uses less power but is still at your disposal.

When the DOSAMIX T20 is not used for more than 5 minutes it will automatically go into the “standby mode”. This will save energy. The unit can be switched on by pushing the “STAND-BY” button.

Note: The DOSAMIX T20 is in standby-mode when the standby light is lit. The indicator switches off when the DOSAMIX T20 is operating again.

When the setting in the quantity display is different from the one stored in memory then the old settings stored in memory will be overwritten by the new settings. The new settings are now stored in memory.


A number of functional features have been added to the DOSAMIX T20. Calibration of quantity and temperature can be adjusted with our new and easy to use configuration menu without having to open the DOSAMIX T20.

6.1. Entering the configuration menu of the DOSAMIX T20
The configuration menu can be entered by pushing the [Hidden] key while the DOSAMIX T20 is not dosing. The temperature display will show the first option available in the configuration menu.

6.2. Calibration of the quantity
(The quantity is already factory calibrated and this setting should not be changed!)
When the hidden menu key is pushed the temperature display shows “Cor”.

Fig.5: Positive quantity correction of 0.8 %

When there is a consistent inaccuracy in the quantity dosed by the DOSAMIX T20 the can be done to calibrate the quantity:
1. Use a certified digital scale that can weigh at least 20 Kg
2. Place a bucket on the scale that can hold at least 10 litres of water and reset the scale to 0.
3. Set the DOSAMIX T20 to 10.0 litres and dose the 10 litres into the bucket.
4. Measure the weight on the digital scale and write down the weight.
5. Repeat this 2 more times and compare the 2nd and 3rd outcome of the 10 litre batch.
6. Use this value to calculate the percentage of positive or negative inaccuracy.
7. For example the outcome of the 2nd and 3rd batch of 10 litres is 10,25 Kg on the certified scale. This indicates a positive inaccuracy of 2,5 % and this should be corrected by setting the calibration value in the display to -02,5 (When the original calibration value was P 00,0)
8. The calibration value can be increased by pushing the [+0.1Litre] button and decreased by pushing the [+1Litre] button with a minimum of – 12,5 and a maximum of P 12,5.
9. Store the new setting by pushing the [Start] button.
10. Exit the configuration menu by pushing the [Stop] button. The temperature will be displayed. To go to the next entry in the configuration menu push the [Hidden] key again.

Note: When the inaccuracy is more than 7 % or inconsistent; contact your local
supplier for advice.

6.3. Temperature calibration
The temperature is already factory calibrated and this setting should not be changed!

The temperature settings can be changed when the temperature display shows:
“toF”(temperature offset.)

Fig.6: Temperature correction of 0.1 degree.

The temperature shown in the temperature display can be corrected. The temperature correction can be positive or negative. The [+0.1Litre] button is used to increase the temperature (positive correction). The [+1Litre] button is used to decrease the temperature (negative correction). The new setting can be stored by pushing the [Start] button.

Example: If the temperature shown in the temperature display is consistently 2 degrees lower than the temperature of the water that is dosed by the DOSAMIX T20, set the temperature correction to P002 and store it by pushing the [Start] button. From now on the display reads the correct value.

If the temperature shown in the temperature display is always 1 degree higher than the temperature of the water that is dosed by the DOSAMIX T20; set the temperature correction to -001 and store it by pressing the [Start] button. To exit the configuration menu push [Stop]. The temperature will be displayed again.

6.4. Thermostat temperature setting
(Only perform this adjustment after calibrating the digital readout!)

If after a while the set temperature does not match the temperature of the dosed water the thermostatic mixing valve can be recalibrated in the following way:
1. Set the dosing quantity of the DOSAMIX T20 to a quantity that will give enough time to adjust the temperature (10-20 litre) and start dosing.
2. Turn the knob anticlockwise for increasing and clockwise for decreasing the temperature until the temperature in the temperature display is 30°C exactly, if the knob locks turn the opposite way.
3. Stop the machine and check if the knob marking is on the 30°C marking on the operational panel.
4. If the temperature on the operational panel and the temperature display do not match, then complete following steps.
5. Remove the cap from the temperature control knob and unscrew the M4 Philips screw. Remove the control knob from the shaft of the thermoelement.
6. Turn the knob marking to the 30°C marking on the operational panel.
7. Push the knob on the shaft of the thermo-element and secure the new setting by fastening the M4 Philips screw and re-place the cap.

Fig.7: Exploded view control knob

6.5. Wiring instructions
The internal connections between the printed circuit board and the other electrical parts of the DOSAMIX T20 are shown in figure 8.

Fig.8: Wiring diagram of the printed circuit board


Contact your local dealer for your guarantee terms.


Important notice
DOSAMIX BV is constantly seeking ways to improve the specification, design and production of its products and alterations take place continually. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this manual should not be regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications, nor does it constitute an offer for the sale of any particular product.

Distributors and dealers are not agents and have absolutely no authority to bind DOSAMIX BV by any express or implied undertaking or representation.


Do you have a question about our appliance?
Please contact us, we are happy to help.